The Complete Library of All the Clans and Lairs of Sornieth Wikia


Poor Persephone has had terrible luck from the very beginning. Before she had even hatched, the dark mage Lilith had chosen a spot to practice her magic that was just a little too close to Suryo and Eve's nest, and a stray bolt of questionable properties struck Persephone's egg. After shooing the spiral away and closely examining the egg for damage, Persephone's parents were relieved to see that the egg appeared to be undamaged and thought no more of the incident.

However, when Persephone and her siblings hatched, Eve was horrified. She believed that the hatchling's dull, faded colours meant that there was something terribly wrong with her, and immediately chased her away to protect her other, healthy offspring. Later, remembering how Lilith's magic had struck the egg, Eve confronted her and accused her of inadvertently cursing her child. Persephone, bewildered and terrified, overheard their arguing and immediately assumed that her mother was correct; she was cursed, and a danger to her siblings. Heartbroken, she was about to leave the clan to go who knows where when her father stopped her and begged her to reconsider. Tearfully, she explained that she had to leave for the good of the whole clan and ran away before Suryo had a chance to reassure her.

Persephone wandered the land for weeks on end, desperately trying to find a new home. However nowhere she looked would accept her as one of their own, and eventually she realised that her only options were to continue wandering alone, to serve one of the elemental Deities, or to return to her parents clan. Remembering her fathers kindness, Persephone decided to return to the clan. Along the way, a faint hope grew within her as she remembered Lilith also lived there. Surely, if she had been cursed by Lilith, then she could also be cured by that same dragon...?


Understandably, Persephone is usually rather gloomy. Her mother's rejection has given her an extremely pessimistic view on life, and she always expects the worst from any situation. On the flip side, she simply accepts any unfortunate events that happen to her as just how things have worked out, and does not obsess over them or allow them to make her overly upset. She tends to avoid most dragons other than Lilith, since deep down she still believes that she is cursed and may cause harm to those around her if she is not careful.

Despite all her bad luck, she still holds onto the hope that one day she might be "cured" of her curse and is consequently extremely attentive to anything that might help her. She records every word Lilith says and pores over it in her free time, dissecting each and every sentence down to the most minute detail. So far she has not found anything of use, but she has not yet given up hope.


Persephone attempts to keep her drab, ashen colours hidden as well as she can beneath a thick cloak and hood, since she believes that it is a constant reminder to other members of the clan that she is not like them, and makes them feel uneasy. One day she hopes to be able to change her colours through any means possible, and perhaps free herself from the curse.



Nobody has ever seen Persephone fight, so her combat abilities are a complete mystery. However, Lilith reports that her magic is growing stronger by the day, and the gloomy, slightly sinister atmosphere that constantly surrounds her is more than enough to warn other dragons that she is not to be tangled with.


On the rare occasion Persephone goes out gathering, she does it alone, usually in the dead of night when nobody else is awake. She seems to be rather good at finding supplies, but nobody has managed to convince her to make it a regular habit.





