The Complete Library of All the Clans and Lairs of Sornieth Wikia


WIP - not much is known about her background, showed herself to Hallow and Princess one day, keeps herself hidden, happy to stay with those she trusts


WIP - secretive, shy, only lets a few know of her existence, protective of those who protect her


WIP - small, neat, tidy, poised, moves and speaks softly


WIP - uses her 'Skydancer ESP' to keep herself hidden from others, very sensitive to those around her and uses this to her advantage though she can get overwhelmed, fairly good at healing and basic Ice magic as well

The Shooting Stars

WIP - explanation of the group will go here (how the started, what they do, etc)


  • Spirit hatched on August 22, 2015
  • She is only known to the Shooting Stars; all other dragons in the clan think her existence is just a story