The Complete Library of All the Clans and Lairs of Sornieth Wikia

[WIP, please stay tuned :) ]

Galdera's wife, and one of the three leaders of the clan. She's one of the most powerful warriors in the lair, and is in charge of the lair's defenses. Every guard answers to her.

She's somewhat more brash than her husband. Though she can keep her cool, she easily loses her temper when her loved ones are harmed.


Verona once found herself hunting in the Wandering Contagion, and was ambushed by the beasts of the Scarred Wasteland. She managed to fight them off, but had sustained serious injuries. She knew she would die if she didn't patch herself up quickly. Verona dragged herself to a lair she believed to be abandoned... But passed out a few feet shy of the entrance. As she felt her consciousness slip, her last thought was of her death...

However, she would later open her eyes to find a young Fae nursing her wounds. He seemed relieved that she woke up, and introduced himself as Galdera. Little did she know that she had just met her future husband.
